Non-Validated sdRNA Pools

Our non-validated Self-deliverable siRNAs are predicted using our proprietory algorithm (similar to our published prediction algorithm) to knockdown gene expression. We predict 4 sdRNAs and provide them separately along with a non-targeting control (10 nmols each). Predicted sdRNAs can be used either individually or as a pool. The probability that at least one of the individual sdRNAs or a poll are functional is over 95%.

Transfection Controls are available to validate the technology for your specific experimental system (cell line, tissue model, etc.) for uptake efficiency and gene knockdown.

Please note that our sdRNA reagents are available for Research Use Only and all sales are subject to Terms and Conditions.

Non-validated sdRNA pool, 10 nmols

The product contains individual predicted sdRNAs and NTC, 10 nmols each.


4 Individual Non-validated sdRNAs, 10 nmols each

The product contains four individual predicted sdRNAs and NTC, 10 nmols each.
